For cigar collectors, the aging process can dramatically influence the value and desirability of cigars at auction. Understanding how aging affects cigars can be key to both buying and selling in the auction market. Cigars, like fine wine, can improve with age. Over time, the flavors of a well-made cigar can become more complex and balanced, making aged cigars highly sought after by collectors. However, not all cigars age well, and the aging process must be carefully managed. When properly stored in a controlled environment, cigars undergo a natural fermentation process. This can mellow out harsh flavors and enhance the...
Read moreThe digital age and Covid has transformed how we buy and sell goods, and the cigar market is no exception. Online cigar auctions have emerged as a popular platform for enthusiasts to access a diverse range of products, from everyday smokes to highly sought-after collectibles. The Rise of Online Cigar Auctions Online platforms have made it easier than ever for cigar lovers to participate in auctions. With just a few clicks, buyers can browse extensive catalogs, place bids, and track their progress in real-time. Sellers, on the other hand, benefit from a global reach, attracting bids from all over the world. Advantages of Online Auctions Convenience: Bid from the...
Read moreOklahoma Joe's 20202105 Rider 900 Pellet Grill, Black Description Pit control system offers smarter cooking with two distinct guidance features: timer mode indicates when you've reached a set amount of time at your desired grill temp, and temp-probe mode indicates when your food has reached its target internal temp Live Fire plate can be opened for searing over live Fire Flex grate and flex racks systems integrate easily for superior versatility, allowing for a wide variety of configuration options (Additional accessories and racks sold separately) Quick draw hopper with 20-pound capacity enables simple removal, storage and swapping of pellet flavors...
Read moreIn the last post, we discussed creating a niche, Jeep Marketplace. Next, I would join some of the top Jeep and off-road forums and start posting some useful content. Like these Forums Jeep Forum on Reddit Absolutely nothing about the marketplace – Just useful information to create creditability. Be a part of the community, give good advice and useful tips that I have learned over the past 20 years of owning Jeeps. Now you are starting to connect Buyers with Sellers.
Read moreI am a fan of Jeep’s. I have had the same Jeep Wrangler since 1997. All original, same engine, same interior, and all factory specs. It has weathered a bit, and the paint has started to peel but it is my play toy. So how would I create a marketplace and drive the traffic to the site? First, I would find a few selling partners. Here locally in the Dallas area there is Collins Bros Jeep. Dennis is in the business of buying and selling Jeeps, plus other cars. Collins Bros has been in business since 1984, so he...
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